Despite rumors of a resistance movement (ha!), the momentum of modeling at Eclipse continues to build, as attested by last week's summit. By all accounts the various tutorials, presentations, and discussions about modeling were quite productive. I'll be blogging in more detail about the BoF and long talk that I helped deliver at ESE in the coming days, but before I do I wanted to bring your attention to two other upcoming events that may be of interest to modelers.
In just under two weeks, Eclipse will be hosting "Modeling Days" in New York and Toronto. The line-up of presenters is terrific, and in case you missed my presentation on Papyrus in Ludwigsburg, I'll be delivering (an updated version of) it at the Toronto Modeling Day on Wednesday, November 18. Registration is free, so there's no excuse for missing this opportunity to interact with thought leaders in the Eclipse Modeling community.
I alluded to the second event some time ago, but now it's official - another Eclipse/OMG Symposium is being held, this time at the OMG Technical Meeting in Minnesota, Minneapolis on June 23, 2010. The call for participation is already open, so it's not too early to consider submitting a proposal and making your contribution to the joint future of open source and open specifications.